oslo philharmonic (semyon bychkov). mussorgsky: promenade I + gnomus (pictures at an exhibition) ShareTweet
oslo philharmonic (semyon bychkov). mussorgsky: promenade II + the old castle (pictures at an exhibition) ShareTweet
oslo philharmonic (semyon bychkov). mussorgsky: promenade III + tuileries gardens + bydlo (pictures at an exhibition) ShareTweet
oslo philharmonic (semyon bychkov). mussorgsky: promenade IV + ballet of the unhatched chicks + samuel goldenberg and schmuÿle + the market of limoges + catacombs + cum mortuis in lingua mortua (pictures at an exhibition) ShareTweet
oslo philharmonic (semyon bychkov). mussorgsky: the hut on fowl's legs + the great gate of kiev (pictures at an exhibition) ShareTweet