tag = names
fromtheweb_3906 (4140.img)
Egon Schiele: the Leopold collection, Vienna (texts by Magdalena Dabrowski and Rudolf Leopold)
year: 1997
lang: english
size: 62,6 MB (369 pages)
link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1quyn4wTY-OwrYtWge8pYrfwAlVnSMFjd/view?usp=share_link
fromtheweb_3894 (4128.img)
Lee Bontecou: a retrospective (brochure)
year: 2004
lang: english
size: 4,7 MB (21 pages)
link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10ZIp9dhyVgGiQ1RD2UauxYkNPPTej6eH/view?usp=share_link
Jackson Pollock: November 1, 1998 — February 2, 1999, the Museum of Modern Art (brochure)
year: 1998
lang: english
size: 2,4 MB (11 pages)
link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1luHLON47eH5ShyizeaC_lIbbV2ssXy6X/view?usp=share_link