tag = industrial design
ulm 14/15/16 (Journal of the Ulm School for Design)
year: 1965
lang: german, english
size: 20,9 MB (100 pages)
link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z-QY0P6GtLg0KWmLjzSlvUyyq5ojYBwR/view?usp=sharing
fromtheweb_2351 (2574.img) / 1948 Buick Streamliner
ulm 12/13 (Journal of the Ulm School for Design)
year: 1965
lang: german, english
size: 19 MB (80 pages)
link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Nj8mYQ6czMC_p92Dd3bU08dDl7HtYk7x/view?usp=sharing
fromtheweb_2322 (2545.img)
ulm 10/11 (Journal of the Hochschule für Gestaltung)
year: 1964
lang: german, english
size: 19,8 MB (88 pages)
link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wf0YPHy7AsTAqbnlX2_2ivr8Knm63nWf/view?usp=sharing
ulm 8/9 (Journal of the Hochschule für Gestaltung)
year: 1963
lang: german, english
size: 19,4 MB (88 pages)
link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YGt9a6wKq55H1km9S1xItvzjJIRvaXyo/view?usp=sharing